Joanna Rifkin

U Toronto 
"Joanna Rifkin"
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Rifkin JL, Ostevik KL, Rausher MD. (2023) Complex cross incompatibility in morning glories is consistent with a role for mating system in plant speciation. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Liao IT, Rifkin JL, Cao G, et al. (2021) Modularity and selection of nectar traits in the evolution of the selfing syndrome in Ipomoea lacunosa (Convolvulaceae). The New Phytologist
Rifkin JL, Cao G, Rausher MD. (2021) Genetic architecture of divergence: the selfing syndrome in Ipomoea lacunosa. American Journal of Botany
Frazee LJ, Rifkin J, Maheepala DC, et al. (2021) New genomic resources and comparative analyses reveal differences in floral gene expression in selfing and outcrossing Collinsia sister species. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Ostevik KL, Rifkin JL, Xia H, et al. (2021) Morning glory species co-occurrence is associated with asymmetrically decreased and cascading reproductive isolation. Evolution Letters. 5: 75-85
Beaudry FEG, Rifkin JL, Barrett SCH, et al. (2020) Evolutionary Genomics of Plant Gametophytic Selection. Plant Communications. 1: 100115
Rifkin JL, Liao IT, Castillo AS, et al. (2019) Multiple aspects of the selfing syndrome of the morning glory evolved in response to selection: A Qst-Fst comparison. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 7712-7725
Rifkin JL, Castillo AS, Liao IT, et al. (2018) Gene flow, divergent selection and resistance to introgression in two species of morning glories (Ipomoea). Molecular Ecology
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