Juan Arroyo

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) 
"Juan Arroyo"
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Vanrell MA, Novaes LR, Afonso A, et al. (2024) Ecological correlates of population genetics in , an heterostylous polyploid and taxonomic complex endemic to the Western Mediterranean Basin. Aob Plants. 16: plae027
Novaes LR, Cornelissen TG, Arroyo J, et al. (2024) Meta-analyses of reproductive changes in angiosperm populations in response to elevation reveal a lack of global patterns. Annals of Botany
Simón-Porcar VI, Muñoz-Pajares AJ, de Castro A, et al. (2022) Direct evidence supporting Darwin's hypothesis of cross-pollination promoted by sex organ reciprocity. The New Phytologist
Barranco D, Arroyo J, Santos-Gally R. (2019) Avoiding sexual interference: herkogamy and dichogamy in style dimorphic flowers of (Amaryllidaceae). Aob Plants. 11: plz038
Ferrero V, Barrett SC, Rojas D, et al. (2016) Associations between sex-organ deployment and morph bias in related heterostylous taxa with different stylar polymorphisms. American Journal of Botany
Simón-Porcar VI, Meagher TR, Arroyo J. (2015) Disassortative mating prevails in style-dimorphic Narcissus papyraceus despite low reciprocity and compatibility of morphs. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 69: 2276-88
Simón-Porcar VI, Picó FX, Arroyo J. (2015) Range-wide population genetics and variation in morph ratio in style-dimorphic Narcissus papyraceus. American Journal of Botany. 102: 449-56
Pérez-Barrales R, Simón-Porcar VI, Santos-Gally R, et al. (2014) Phenotypic integration in style dimorphic daffodils (Narcissus, Amaryllidaceae) with different pollinators. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 369: 20130258
Arroyo JM, Munguia-Vega A, Rodríguez-Estrella R, et al. (2013) Isolation of 18 microsatellite loci in the desert mistletoe Phoradendron californicum (Santalaceae) via 454 pyrosequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences. 1
Santos-Gally R, Pérez-Barrales R, Simón VI, et al. (2013) The role of short-tongued insects in floral variation across the range of a style-dimorphic plant. Annals of Botany. 111: 317-28
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