Adiyantara Gumilang

2022- Department of Biological Sciences Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
"Adiyantara Gumilang"


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Antonis Rokas research assistant 2022- Vanderbilt (Computational Biology Tree)
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Pinzan CF, Valero C, de Castro PA, et al. (2024) Aspergillus fumigatus conidial surface-associated proteome reveals factors for fungal evasion and host immunity modulation. Nature Microbiology
Lee KH, Gumilang A, Fu T, et al. (2022) The Autophagy Protein CsATG8 is Involved in Asexual Development and Virulence in the Pepper Anthracnose Fungus . Mycobiology. 50: 467-474
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