H. Peter Linder

Systematic Botany University of Zurich (UZH) 
"H. Linder"
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Onstein RE, Kissling WD, Linder HP. (2022) The megaherbivore gap after the non-avian dinosaur extinctions modified trait evolution and diversification of tropical palms. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 289: 20212633
Nürk NM, Linder HP, Onstein RE, et al. (2020) Diversification in evolutionary arenas-Assessment and synthesis. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 6163-6182
Naciri Y, Linder HP. (2020) The genetics of evolutionary radiations. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
van Santen M, Linder HP. (2019) The assembly of the Cape flora is consistent with an edaphic rather than climatic filter. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 142: 106645
Bouchenak-Khelladi Y, Linder HP. (2017) Frequent and parallel habitat transitions as driver of unbounded radiations in the Cape flora. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Oberlander KC, Dreyer LL, Goldblatt P, et al. (2016) Species-rich and polyploid-poor: Insights into the evolutionary role of whole-genome duplication from the Cape flora biodiversity hotspot. American Journal of Botany
Hughes CE, Nyffeler R, Linder HP. (2015) Evolutionary plant radiations: where, when, why and how? The New Phytologist. 207: 249-53
Norup MF, Petersen G, Burrows S, et al. (2015) Evolution of Asparagus L. (Asparagaceae): Out-of-South-Africa and multiple origins of sexual dimorphism. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 92: 25-44
Bouchenak-Khelladi Y, Onstein RE, Xing Y, et al. (2015) On the complexity of triggering evolutionary radiations. The New Phytologist. 207: 313-26
Onstein RE, Carter RJ, Xing Y, et al. (2015) Do Mediterranean-type ecosystems have a common history?--insights from the Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 69: 756-71
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