Antoinette Piaggio

2001-2004 USDA-APHIS National Wildlife Research Center 
"Antoinette Piaggio"


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Susan L. Perkins grad student 2001-2004 CU Boulder
 (Evolutionary relationships and population genetic structure of North American big-eared bats, genus Corynorhinus)
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Teem JL, Alphey L, Descamps S, et al. (2020) Genetic Biocontrol for Invasive Species. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 8: 452
Smyser TJ, Tabak MA, Slootmaker C, et al. (2020) Mixed ancestry from wild and domestic lineages contributes to the rapid expansion of invasive feral swine. Molecular Ecology
Sudweeks J, Hollingsworth B, Blondel DV, et al. (2019) Locally Fixed Alleles: A method to localize gene drive to island populations. Scientific Reports. 9: 15821
Wostenberg DJ, Fike JA, Oyler-McCance SJ, et al. (2019) Development of microsatellite loci for two New World vultures (Cathartidae). Bmc Research Notes. 12: 257
Piaggio AJ, Russell AL, Osorio IA, et al. (2017) Genetic demography at the leading edge of the distribution of a rabies virus vector. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 5343-5351
Pedersen K, Quance CR, Robbe-Austerman S, et al. (2014) Identification of Brucella suis from feral swine in selected states in the USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 50: 171-9
Piaggio AJ, Figueroa JA, Perkins SL. (2009) Development and characterization of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from Rafinesque's big-eared bat, Corynorhinus rafinesquii. Molecular Ecology Resources. 9: 1191-3
Pelz-Serrano K, Munguia-Vega A, Piaggio AJ, et al. (2009) Development of nine new microsatellite loci for the American beaver, Castor canadensis (Rodentia: Castoridae), and cross-species amplification in the European beaver, Castor fiber. Molecular Ecology Resources. 9: 551-4
Piaggio AJ, Neubaum MA, Yueh H, et al. (2009) Development of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa rufa (Rafinesque). Molecular Ecology Resources. 9: 323-5
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