Stephanie Susan Godfrey

2010 Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia, Australia 
"Stephanie Godfrey"


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Christopher (Mike) Michael Bull grad student 2010 Flinders University
 (Social network structure and parasite tranmission in reptiles)
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Barr JI, Somaweera R, Godfrey SS, et al. (2020) When one tail isn't enough: abnormal caudal regeneration in lepidosaurs and its potential ecological impacts. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Stampe K, Larsen ON, Godfrey SS. (2020) Ecto- and endoparasites of the King's skink () on Penguin Island. Parasitology. 1-19
Hacking JD, Stuart-Fox D, Godfrey SS, et al. (2018) Specific MHC class I supertype associated with parasite infection and color morph in a wild lizard population. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 9920-9933
Godfrey SS, Keatley S, Botero A, et al. (2018) Trypanosome co-infections increase in a declining marsupial population. International Journal For Parasitology. Parasites and Wildlife. 7: 221-227
Godfrey SS, Gardner MG. (2017) Lizards, ticks and contributions to Australian parasitology: C. Michael Bull (1947-2016). International Journal For Parasitology. Parasites and Wildlife. 6: 295-298
Pearson SK, Godfrey SS, Schwensow N, et al. (2017) Genes and group membership predict gidgee skink (Egernia stokesii) reproductive pairs. The Journal of Heredity
Godfrey SS, Nelson NJ, Bull CM. (2011) Ecology and dynamics of the blood parasite, Hepatozoon tuatarae (Apicomplexa), in tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) on Stephens Island, New Zealand. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 47: 126-39
Godfrey SS, Moore JA, Nelson NJ, et al. (2010) Social network structure and parasite infection patterns in a territorial reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). International Journal For Parasitology. 40: 1575-85
Godfrey SS, Bull CM, Gardner MG. (2006) Associations between blood parasite infection and a microsatellite DNA allele in an Australian scincid lizard (Egernia stokesii). Parasitology Research. 100: 107-9
Godfrey SS, Bull CM, Murray K, et al. (2006) Transmission mode and distribution of parasites among groups of the social lizard Egernia stokesii Parasitology Research. 99: 223-230
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