Tiffany Sacra Garcia

2002 University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
"Tiffany Garcia"


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Andrew (Andy) Sih grad student 2002 University of Kentucky
 (Interacting color and behavior responses to multiple selection pressures in the sister salamander species Ambystoma barbouri and Ambystoma texanum)
Andrew (Andy) Richard Blaustein post-doc Oregon State
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Urbina J, Bredeweg EM, Blaustein AR, et al. (2021) Direct and Latent Effects of Pathogen Exposure Across Native and Invasive Amphibian Life Stages. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 8: 732993
Urbina J, Bredeweg EM, Cousins C, et al. (2020) Reproductive characteristics of American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) in their invasive range of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Scientific Reports. 10: 16271
Garcia TS, Bredeweg EM, Urbina J, et al. (2019) Evaluating adaptive, carry-over and plastic antipredator responses across a temporal gradient in Pacific chorus frogs. Ecology
Jara FG, Thurman LL, Montiglio PO, et al. (2019) Warming-induced shifts in amphibian phenology and behavior lead to altered predator-prey dynamics. Oecologia
Bredeweg EM, Morzillo AT, Thurman LL, et al. (2019) The integrative effects of behavior and morphology on amphibian movement. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 1278-1288
Garcia TS, Urbina JC, Bredeweg EM, et al. (2017) Embryonic learning and developmental carry-over effects in an invasive anuran. Oecologia
Baker NJ, Bancroft BA, Garcia TS. (2013) A meta-analysis of the effects of pesticides and fertilizers on survival and growth of amphibians. The Science of the Total Environment. 449: 150-6
Garcia TS, Sih A. (2003) Color change and color-dependent behavior in response to predation risk in the salamander sister species Ambystoma barbouri and Ambystoma texanum. Oecologia. 137: 131-9
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