Margaret Sonnenfeld

"Margaret Sonnenfeld"
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Sonnenfeld MJ, Delvecchio C, Sun X. (2005) Analysis of the transcriptional activation domain of the Drosophila tango bHLH-PAS transcription factor. Development Genes and Evolution. 215: 221-9
Emmons RB, Duncan D, Estes PA, et al. (1999) The spineless-aristapedia and tango bHLH-PAS proteins interact to control antennal and tarsal development in Drosophila. Development (Cambridge, England). 126: 3937-45
Hu S, Sonnenfeld M, Stahl S, et al. (1998) Midline Fasciclin: a Drosophila Fasciclin-I-related membrane protein localized to the CNS midline cells and trachea. Journal of Neurobiology. 35: 77-93
Sonnenfeld M, Ward M, Nystrom G, et al. (1997) The Drosophila tango gene encodes a bHLH-PAS protein that is orthologous to mammalian Arnt and controls CNS midline and tracheal development. Development (Cambridge, England). 124: 4571-82
Sonnenfeld MJ, Jacobs JR. (1994) Mesectodermal cell fate analysis in Drosophila midline mutants. Mechanisms of Development. 46: 3-13
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