Edward Murray East

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
plant genetics, botany, agronomy
"Edward East"

(1879 - 1938)
B. S. https://hdl.handle.net/2142/52086
Ph.D. https://hdl.handle.net/2142/3139

Cross-listing: DevTree - Plant Biology Tree - Cell Biology Tree


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Arthur William Palmer research assistant 1901 UIUC (Chemistry Tree)
 (B. S. Dissolved oxygen and its influence in the self-purification of streams.)
Cyril George Hopkins grad student 1907 UIUC (Chemistry Tree)
 (A study of the factors influencing the improvement of the potato)


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Edgar Anderson grad student Harvard (DevTree)
Rollins Adams Emerson grad student 1913 Harvard (DevTree)
Orland Emile White grad student 1913 Harvard (Plant Biology Tree)
Donald Forsha Jones grad student 1917 Harvard (Plant Biology Tree)
Herbert Kendall Hayes grad student 1921 Harvard (Plant Biology Tree)
Karl Sax grad student 1922 Harvard
Royal Alexander Brink grad student 1923 Harvard
Walter Samuel Flory post-doc 1935-1936 Harvard (Plant Biology Tree)
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EAST EM. (1935) GENETIC IN 1935 Journal of Heredity. 26: 303-304
East EM. (1933) Genetic Observations on the Genus Linaria. Genetics. 18: 324-8
Mangelsdorf AJ, East EM. (1927) Studies on the Genetics of Fragaria. Genetics. 12: 307-39
East EM, Jones DF. (1920) Genetic Studies on the Protein Content of Maize. Genetics. 5: 543-610
Weinstein A, East EM, Jones DF. (1920) Inbreeding and Outbreeding: Their Genetic and Sociological Significance. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods. 17: 388
East EM, Hayes HK. (1914) A Genetic Analysis of the Changes Produced by Selection in Experiments with Tobacco The American Naturalist. 48: 5-48
East EM, Hayes HK. (1914) Heterozygosis in evolution of life and in plant breeding Zeitschrift FüR Induktive Abstammungs- Und Vererbungslehre. 11: 133-133
Hopkins CG, Smith LH, East EM. (1903) The chemical composition of different parts of the corn kernel Journal of the American Chemical Society. 25: 1166-1179
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