Megan K. La Peyre, Ph.D.

2000 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States 
Geography, Environmental Sciences, Physical Geography
"Megan La Peyre"


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Irving A. Mendelssohn grad student 2000 Louisiana State
 (Factors influencing state and nation wetland management: Building effective management models.)
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Humphries AT, La Peyre MK. (2015) Oyster reef restoration supports increased nekton biomass and potential commercial fishery value. Peerj. 3: e1111
La Peyre MK, Nix A, Laborde L, et al. (2012) Gauging state-level and user group views of oyster reef restoration activities in the northern Gulf of Mexico Ocean and Coastal Management. 67: 1-8
Piazza BP, La Peyre MK. (2011) Nekton community response to a large-scale Mississippi River discharge: Examining spatial and temporal response to river management Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 91: 379-387
La Peyre MK, Mendelssohn IA, Reams MA, et al. (2001) Identifying determinants of nations' wetland management programs using structural equation modeling: an exploratory analysis. Environmental Management. 27: 859-68
La Peyre MK, Reams MA, Mendelssohn IA. (2001) Linking actions to outcomes in wetland management: An overview of U.S. state wetland management Wetlands. 21: 66-74
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