Christopher A. Thoms, Ph.D.

2004 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
General, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture
"Christopher Thoms"


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Steven R. Brechin grad student 2004 University of Michigan
 (Self -mediated interactions among community forestry actors in Nepal: A political ecology of the UK's Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.)
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Thoms CA, Nelson KC, Kubas A, et al. (2018) Beekeeper stewardship, colony loss, and Varroa destructor management. Ambio
Thoms CA. (2011) Co-Constructing Community Forests in Nepal: Mutual Constraint in a Transnational Aid Network Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 3: 303-314
Thoms CA. (2008) Community control of resources and the challenge of improving local livelihoods: A critical examination of community forestry in Nepal Geoforum. 39: 1452-1465
Thoms CA. (2007) Constituting forest communities in the hills of Nepal International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management. 3: 115-125
Thoms CA, Karna BK, Karmacharya MB. (2006) Limitations of leasehold forestry for poverty alleviation in Nepal Society and Natural Resources. 19: 931-938
Thoms CA, Betters DR. (1998) The potential for ecosystem management in Mexico's forest ejidos Forest Ecology and Management. 103: 149-157
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