Heather A. Gamper, Ph.D.

2012 Geography Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Geography, Ecology Biology, Entomology Biology
"Heather Gamper"


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James B. Elsner grad student 2012 Florida State
 (Effects of scale insects on forest dynamics in tropical montane oak forests of Veracruz, Mexico.)
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Gamper HA, Koptur S. (2010) Honeydew foraging by birds in tropical montane forests and pastures of Mexico Journal of Tropical Ecology. 26: 335-341
Latta SC, Gamper HA, Tietz JR. (2001) Revising the convergence hypothesis of avian use of honeydew: Evidence from Dominican subtropical dry forest Oikos. 93: 250-259
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