Orly Linovski, Ph.D.

2014 Urban Planning 0911 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Urban and Regional Planning
"Orly Linovski"


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Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris grad student 2014 UCLA
 (The Other Urban Designers: The Role of Private Sector Consultants in Shaping Policy and Form.)
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Bates L, Parker G, Wargent M, et al. (2020) The Future of the Planning Profession Planning Theory & Practice. 21: 453-480
Linovski O. (2019) Shifting Agendas: Private Consultants and Public Planning Policy: Urban Affairs Review. 55: 1666-1701
Linovski O. (2019) Shareholder as client: Firms, markets, and the new business of planning Journal of Urban Affairs. 41: 1017-1035
Linovski O, Baker DM, Manaugh K. (2018) Equity in practice? Evaluations of equity in planning for bus rapid transit Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice. 113: 75-87
Linovski O. (2017) Designing for Development: Growth and the Practice of Urban Design in Los Angeles Journal of Planning History. 153851321774159
Linovski O. (2017) Pro Bono Practices and Government Agencies Journal of the American Planning Association. 83: 180-182
Linovski O. (2016) Politics of Expertise: Constructing Professional Design Knowledge in the Public and Private Sectors Journal of Planning Education and Research. 36: 451-464
Linovski O, Loukaitou-Sideris A. (2013) Evolution of Urban Design Plans in the United States and Canada: What Do the Plans Tell Us about Urban Design Practice? Journal of Planning Education and Research. 33: 66-82
Loukaitou-Sideris A, Cuff D, Higgins T, et al. (2012) Impact of high speed rail stations on local development: A delphi survey Built Environment. 38: 51-70
Linovski O. (2012) Beyond Aesthetics: Assessing the Value of Strip Mall Retail in Toronto Journal of Urban Design. 17: 81-99
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