Nancy L. Stokey
Affiliations: | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
Theory Economics, Finance, History EconomicsGoogle:
"Nancy Stokey"Children
Sign in to add traineeCasey Mulligan | grad student | 1993 | Chicago (EduTree) |
Filippo Occhino | grad student | 2000 | Chicago |
Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich | grad student | 2001 | Chicago |
Catia Batista | grad student | 2005 | Chicago |
Kelly S. Ragan | grad student | 2006 | Chicago |
Sergey Mityakov | grad student | 2008 | Chicago |
Daisuke Fujii | grad student | 2014 | Chicago |
Jose J. Lopez Licea | grad student | 2014 | Chicago |
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Stokey NL. (2020) Technology and skill: Twin engines of growth Review of Economic Dynamics |
Stokey NL. (2017) Aggregative Fiscal Policy Journal of Political Economy. 125: 1756-1761 |
Stokey NL. (2014) Wait-and-see: Investment options under policy uncertainty Review of Economic Dynamics |
Stokey NL. (2014) Catching up and falling behind Journal of Economic Growth |
Stokey NL. (2009) Moving costs, nondurable consumption and portfolio choice Journal of Economic Theory. 144: 2419-2439 |
Stokey NL. (2002) "Rules vs. discretion" after twenty-five years Nber Macroeconomics Annual. 17: 9-45 |
Stokey NL. (2001) A quantitative model of the British industrial revolution, 1780–1850 Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series On Public Policy. 55: 55-109 |
Stokey NL. (1998) Are there limits to growth? International Economic Review. 39: 1-31 |
Stokey NL. (1996) Free Trade, Factor Returns, and Factor Accumulation Journal of Economic Growth. 1: 421-447 |
Stokey NL. (1995) R and d and economic growth Review of Economic Studies. 62: 469-489 |