Felicia A. Kornbluh, Ph.D.

history; women's and gender studies University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States 
post-1945 U.S. history, legal history, the history of women and gender, social welfare, disability history, and African American history
"Felicia Kornbluh"


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Hendrik Hartog grad student 2000 Princeton
 (A right to welfare? Poor women, professionals, and poverty programs, 1935--1975.)


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Kathryn K. Fenn grad student 2002 Duke
Gordon Mantler grad student 2008 Duke
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Kornbluh F. (2016) Eva Bertram.The Workfare State: Public Assistance Politics from the New Deal to the New Democrats. The American Historical Review. 121: 973-974
Kornbluh F. (2014) 13 Most Wanted Men: Andy Warhol and the 1964 World's Fair Journal of American History. 101: 877-879
Kornbluh F. (2012) Cheating Welfare: Public Assistance and the Criminalization of Poverty. By Kaaryn Gustafson. New York: New York University Press, 2011. 238 pp. $28.00 paper. Law & Society Review. 46: 923-925
Kornbluh F. (2012) Demanding Child Care: Women's Activism and the Politics of Welfare, 1940-1971 Journal of American History. 99: 666-667
Kornbluh F. (2012) James T. Patterson . Freedom Is Not Enough: The Moynihan Report and America's Struggle over Black Family Life—from LBJ to Obama . New York: Basic Books. 2010. Pp. xvii, 264. $26.95. The American Historical Review. 117: 236-237
Kornbluh F. (2011) Queer Legal History: A Field Grows Up and Comes Out Law and Social Inquiry. 36: 537-559
Kornbluh F. (2010) The War on Welfare: Family, Poverty, and Politics in Modern America. By Marisa Chappell. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum, 2010. xii, 345 pp. $45.00, ISBN 978-0-8122-4204-1.) Journal of American History. 97: 880-881
Kornbluh F. (2008) Who shot FAP? The Nixon welfare plan and the transformation of American politics The Sixties. 1: 125-150
Kornbluh F. (2004) Welfare Politics in Boston, 1910–1940. By Susan  Traverso. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2003. Pp. 184. $34.95 (cloth). Social Service Review. 78: 157-160
Kornbluh F. (1998) The goals of the national welfare rights movement: Why we need them thirty years later Feminist Studies. 24: 65-78
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