Dana L. Alden

University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
Asia History
"Dana Alden"
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Kelley JB, Alden DL. (2016) Online brand community: through the eyes of Self-Determination Theory Internet Research. 26: 790-808
He Y, Chen Q, Alden DL. (2016) Time will tell: managing post-purchase changes in brand attitude Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 44: 791-805
Alden DL, Kelley JB, Youn JB, et al. (2015) Understanding consumer motivations to interact on brand websites in the international marketplace: Evidence from the U.S., China, and South Korea Journal of Business Research
Alden DL, Friend J, Schapira M, et al. (2014) Cultural targeting and tailoring of shared decision making technology: a theoretical framework for improving the effectiveness of patient decision aids in culturally diverse groups. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 105: 1-8
Alden DL, Kelley JB, Riefler P, et al. (2013) The effect of global company animosity on global brand attitudes in emerging and developed markets: Does perceived value matter? Journal of International Marketing. 21: 17-38
He Y, Chen Q, Alden DL. (2012) Social presence and service satisfaction: The moderating role of cultural value‐orientation Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 11: 170-176
Alden DL, He Y, Chen Q. (2010) Service recommendations and customer evaluations in the international marketplace: Cultural and situational contingencies Journal of Business Research. 63: 38-44
He Y, Merz MA, Alden DL. (2008) Diffusion of Measurement Invariance Assessment in Cross-National Empirical Marketing Research: Perspectives from the Literature and a Survey of Researchers Journal of International Marketing. 16: 64-83
Merz MA, He Y, Alden DL. (2008) A categorization approach to analyzing the global consumer culture debate International Marketing Review. 25: 166-182
Polyorat K, Alden DL, Kim ES. (2007) Impact of narrative versus factual print ad copy on product evaluation: The mediating role of ad message involvement Psychology & Marketing. 24: 539-554
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