Marouf A. Hasian

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Rhetoric and Composition Language, United States History, Women's Studies
"Marouf Hasian"
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Hasian M, Paliewicz NS. (2020) The national memorial for peace and justice, dark tourist argumentation, and civil rights memoryscapes Atlantic Journal of Communication. 1-17
Ghabra HS, Hasian MA. (2020) World War Z, The Zombie Apocalypse, and the Israeli state’s monstering of Palestinian “others” Communication and Critical\/Cultural Studies. 17: 183-198
Ghabra HS, Hasian MA. (2018) Tough Love: A Diasporic Critique of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement: Journal of Communication Inquiry. 42: 340-358
Drzewiecka JA, Hasian M. (2018) Discourses of the wound and desire for the Other: remembrances of the Katyń massacre and the Smoleńsk crash The Review of Communication. 18: 231-248
Paliewicz NS, Hasian M. (2017) Popular memory at Ground Zero: A heterotopology of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum Popular Communication. 15: 19-36
Hasian M, Olivas JAM, Muller SM. (2017) Democratic Dissent and the Politics of Rescue During the Twenty-First Century’s “Inhospitable” EU Migration “Crisis” Javnost-the Public. 24: 251-266
Hasian MA. (2016) Untimely meditations: Praxis, critical intercultural studies, and memoricide Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 9: 268-271
Hasian M, Muller SM. (2016) Post-conflict peace initiatives, British Mau Mau compensation, and the mastering of colonial pasts Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 11: 164-180
Paliewicz NS, Hasian M. (2016) Mourning Absences, Melancholic Commemoration, and the Contested Public Memories of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum Western Journal of Communication. 80: 140-162
Hasian M. (2015) Alice Seeley Harris, the Atrocity Rhetoric of the Congo Reform Movements, and the Demise of King Léopold's Congo Free State Atlantic Journal of Communication. 23: 178-192
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