Bert Winther-Tamaki

Visual Studies - Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Art History, Asian American Studies
"Bert Winther-Tamaki"
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Winther-Tamaki B. (2018) Remediated Ink: The Debt of Modern and Contemporary Asian Ink Aesthetics to Non-Ink Media Getty Research Journal. 10: 121-148
Winther-Tamaki B, Yoshida K. (2014) Commensurable Distinctions: Intercultural Negotiations of Modern and Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture Review of Japanese Culture and Society. 26: 1-12
Winther-Tamaki B. (2014) Six Episodes of Convergence Between Indian, Japanese, and Mexican Art from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present Review of Japanese Culture and Society. 26: 13-32
Winther-Tamaki B. (2013) 洋画 Yōga/The Western Painting, National Painting, and Global Painting of Japan Review of Japanese Culture and Society. 25: 127-136
Winther-Tamaki B. (1997) Mark Tobey, white writing for a Janus-faced America Word & Image. 13: 77-91
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