Sasha Mullally, Ph.D.

History University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 History University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada 
medical history, Canadian history
"Sasha Mullally"
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Wright D, Mullally S. (2015) 'Not everyone can be a Gandhi': South Asian-trained doctors immigrating to Canada, c. 1961-1971. Ethnicity & Health. 1-15
Wright D, Mullally S, Cordukes MC. (2010) "Worse than being married": the exodus of British doctors from the National Health Service to Canada, c. 1955-75. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. 65: 546-75
Mullally S, Wright D. (2007) La Grande Séduction?: The Immigration of Foreign-Trained Physicians to Canada, c. 1954–76 Journal of Canadian Studies. 41: 67-89
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