David Malcolm Dean

"David Dean"
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Harrell AH, Kueppers GC, Vanderpool RC, et al. (2024) Perceptions of HPV-Linked Oropharyngeal Cancer Risk Messages Among a Sample of Young Adult Men in the US: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Men's Health. 18: 15579883241252524
Greene NK, Dean D, Han PKJ. (2024) Patient-provider discussions about alcohol use by cancer history. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Chung K, Dean D, Olson J. (2024) Diagnostic Complexities of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry (Jamesburg, N.J. : 1995). 45: e1-e4
Hooper R, Cummings C, Beck A, et al. (2024) Sheet-based extrusion bioprinting: a new multi-material paradigm providing mid-extrusion micropatterning control for microvascular applications. Biofabrication
Chmielewska A, Dean D. (2023) The Role of Stiffness-Matching in Avoiding Stress Shielding-Induced Bone Loss and Stress Concentration-Induced Skeletal Reconstruction Device Failure. Acta Biomaterialia
Kueppers G, Huang G, Dean D, et al. (2023) Understanding Cannabis-Related Information Needs: An Analysis of Inquiries to the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Dean D, Smith AW. (2023) Addressing sexual and gender minority disparities in cancer research. Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Dean D, Lee SJ, Cutler C, et al. (2023) Dental evaluation and clearance prior to allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Oral Diseases
Berrigan D, Dean D, Senft Everson N, et al. (2023) Uncertainty: a neglected determinant of health behavior? Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1145879
González-Arriagada WA, Ottaviani G, Dean D, et al. (2023) Editorial: Oral complications in cancer patients. Frontiers in Oral Health. 3: 1116885
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