Myrielle Dupont

Aix Marseille 2 
"Myrielle Dupont"


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Jacqueline Chevalier grad student 2006 Aix Marseille 2
 (Régulation de la perméabilité membranaire et de la sensibilité aux antibiotiques chez les bactéries à gram négatif)
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Tran QT, Dupont M, Lavigne JP, et al. (2009) Occurrence of efflux mechanism and cephalosporinase variant in a population of Enterobacter aerogenes and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 53: 1652-6
Dupont M, James CE, Chevalier J, et al. (2007) An early response to environmental stress involves regulation of OmpX and OmpF, two enterobacterial outer membrane pore-forming proteins. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 51: 3190-8
Viveiros M, Dupont M, Rodrigues L, et al. (2007) Antibiotic stress, genetic response and altered permeability of E. coli. Plos One. 2: e365
Dupont M, Pagès JM, Lafitte D, et al. (2005) Identification of an OprD homologue in Acinetobacter baumannii. Journal of Proteome Research. 4: 2386-90
Dupont M, Dé E, Chollet R, et al. (2004) Enterobacter aerogenes OmpX, a cation-selective channel mar- and osmo-regulated. Febs Letters. 569: 27-30
Bornet C, Saint N, Fetnaci L, et al. (2004) Omp35, a new Enterobacter aerogenes porin involved in selective susceptibility to cephalosporins. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 48: 2153-8
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