Mahfoud Bakli

University Aix-Marseille 
Culex, West Nile virus, Biomarkers, Salivary protein, Antibody response, Pathophysiological processes
"Mahfoud Bakli"


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Lionel Alméras grad student 2013 University Aix-Marseille
 (Marqueurs d'exposition aux piqûres de moustiques du genre Culex et processus physiopathologiques d'infection au virus de West Nile)
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Zamble BZH, Yao SS, Adja AM, et al. (2021) First evaluation of antibody responses to Culex quinquefasciatus salivary antigens as a serological biomarker of human exposure to Culex bites: A pilot study in Côte d'Ivoire. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. 15: e0010004
Fraisier C, Koraka P, Belghazi M, et al. (2014) Kinetic analysis of mouse brain proteome alterations following Chikungunya virus infection before and after appearance of clinical symptoms. Plos One. 9: e91397
Bakli M, Fraisier C, Almeras L. (2014) From Culex Exposure to West Nile Virus Infection: Screening of Specific Biomarkers Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 4: 145-161
Fraisier C, Camoin L, Lim SM, et al. (2013) Altered protein networks and cellular pathways in severe west nile disease in mice. Plos One. 8: e68318
Ali ZM, Bakli M, Fontaine A, et al. (2012) Assessment of Anopheles salivary antigens as individual exposure biomarkers to species-specific malaria vector bites. Malaria Journal. 11: 439
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