Bhuvana Narasimhan

Linguistics University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Linguistics Language, Cognitive Psychology
"Bhuvana Narasimhan"
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Ambridge B, Tatsumi T, Doherty L, et al. (2020) The crosslinguistic acquisition of sentence structure: Computational modeling and grammaticality judgments from adult and child speakers of English, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew and K'iche'. Cognition. 202: 104310
Chen J, Narasimhan B, Chan A, et al. (2020) Information Structure and Word Order Preference in Child and Adult Speech of Mandarin Chinese Langages. 5: 14
Lai VT, Rodriguez GG, Narasimhan B. (2014) Thinking-for-speaking in early and late bilinguals Bilingualism. 17: 139-152
Dimroth C, Narasimhan B. (2012) The Development of Linear Ordering Preferences in Child Language: The Influence of Accessibility and Topicality Language Acquisition. 19: 312-323
Narasimhan B, Gullberg M. (2011) The role of input frequency and semantic transparency in the acquisition of verb meaning: evidence from placement verbs in Tamil and Dutch. Journal of Child Language. 38: 504-32
Gullberg M, Narasimhan B. (2010) What gestures reveal about how semantic distinctions develop in Dutch children's placement verbs Cognitive Linguistics. 21: 239-262
Narasimhan B, Dimroth C. (2008) Word order and information status in child language. Cognition. 107: 317-29
Narasimhan B, Eisenbeiß S, Brown P. (2007) "Two's company, more is a crowd": The linguistic encoding of multiple-participant events Linguistics. 45: 383-392
Narasimhan B. (2007) Cutting, breaking, and tearing verbs in Hindi and Tamil Cognitive Linguistics. 18: 195-205
Narasimhan B, Gullberg M. (2006) Perspective-shifts in event descriptions in Tamil child language. Journal of Child Language. 33: 99-124
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