Ellen Contini-Morava

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Linguistics Language, Cultural Anthropology
"Ellen Contini-Morava"
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Contini-Morava E. (2012) The message in the navel: (ir)realis and negation in Swahili Language Sciences. 34: 200-215
Contini-Morava E. (2011) And now for something completely different: Reid on English verb number Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 29: 1147-1162
Contini-Morava E. (2008) Human relationship terms, discourse prominence, and asymmetrical animacy in Swahili Journal of African Languages and Linguistics. 29: 127-171
Contini-Morava E. (1995) Duelling Languages: Grammatical Structure in Codeswitching Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 5: 246-247
Contini-Morava E. (1994) Susan Sellers, Language and sexual difference: Feminist writing in France . New York: St. Martin's. Pp. xvii + 196. Language in Society. 23: 134-140
Contini-Morava E. (1991) Deictic explicitness and event continuity in Swahili discourse Lingua. 83: 277-318
Contini-Morava E. (1986) Linguistic Anthropology: The Swahili: Reconstructing the History and Language of an African Society, 800-1500. Derek Nurse and Thomas Spear. American Anthropologist. 88: 514-515
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