Paul A Viola

"Paul Viola"


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Christopher G. Atkeson grad student 1995 MIT
Tomás Lozano-Pérez grad student 1995 MIT (Neurotree)
Terrence J. Sejnowski post-doc 1995 Salk Institute (Neurotree)


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Charles Isbell grad student 1998 MIT (MathTree)
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Zhang C, Yin P, Rui Y, et al. (2008) Boosting-Based Multimodal Speaker Detection for Distributed Meeting Videos Ieee Transactions On Multimedia. 10: 1541-1552
Culotta A, Kristjansson T, McCallum A, et al. (2006) Corrective feedback and persistent learning for information extraction Artificial Intelligence. 170: 1101-1122
Ren L, Shakhnarovich G, Hodgins JK, et al. (2005) Learning silhouette features for control of human motion Acm Transactions On Graphics (Tog). 24: 1303-1331
Viola P, Jones MJ, Snow D. (2005) Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance International Journal of Computer Vision. 63: 153-161
Tieu K, Viola P. (2004) Boosting Image Retrieval International Journal of Computer Vision. 56: 17-36
Bonet JSD, Viola P, Fisher JW. (1998) Flexible histograms: a multiresolution target discrimination model Proceedings of Spie. 3371: 519-530
Viola P, Wells WM. (1997) Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information International Journal of Computer Vision. 24: 137-154
Wells WM, Viola P, Atsumi H, et al. (1996) Multi-modal volume registration by maximization of mutual information. Medical Image Analysis. 1: 35-51
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