Cluster #29 (Go to map): Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Norman Geschwind (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral neurology, language tamily 2005‑12‑01
Marc David Hauser (Info) Harvard evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior jgoleary 2005‑11‑03
Ned T. Sahin (Info) Harvard Autism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI sahin 2006‑11‑03
Hesheng Liu (Info) Harvard Medical School Memory, Language, Vision heshengliu 2008‑03‑06
Gui Xue (Info) USC fMRI; Language; Decision Making wqshui 2008‑05‑27
Thomas J. Grabowski (Info) University of Washington Cognitive neuroscience, language, imaging tgrabowski 2009‑04‑06
Partha Niyogi (Info) Chicago artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language 2008‑08‑01
Georg Jahn (Info) Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Psychology Human Spatial Reasoning, Spatial Language, Dialogue and Discourse Comprehension, Bounded Rationality, Multiple Object Tracking, Human Factors (Driver Information Systems) feiler 2007‑01‑31
Eric Heinz Lenneberg (Info) Cornell language acquisition, cognitive psychology ckarns 2008‑02‑06
Peter Heil (Info) Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN), Magdeburg BZoefel 2011‑07‑09
Mark A. Eckert (Info) MUSC Speech, Language, Aging, Neurogenetic disorders, Neuroimaging meckert 2006‑11‑16
Michal Ben-Shahar Chechik (Info) Stanford language,brain imaging gal_chechik 2007‑10‑21
Gert Westermann (Info) Lancaster University Connectionism, cognitive development, categorisation, language acquisition jmayor 2007‑07‑11
Michael D'Zmura (Info) UC Irvine Vision, hearing, language, attention, brain imaging, brain-computer interfaces bdsinger 2009‑01‑24
Sejin Yoo (Info) Seoul National University speech processing model sey 2008‑09‑12
Sheila E. Blumstein (Info) Brown Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech and Lexical Access cab 2006‑11‑15
Tiffany P. Hogan (Info) University of Nebraska - Lincoln Language and Literacy snjoshi 2010‑10‑27
Deb Roy (Info) MIT Child language acquisition, computational modeling lmorett 2011‑04‑05
Franco Amati (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Cognitive Neuroscience, Psycholinguistics FrancoAmati 2013‑01‑22
Corey T. McMillan (Info) Penn Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, psycholinguistics neuromc 2009‑04‑02
Laurie S. Glezer (Info) Georgetown Vison, Language lsglezer 2009‑03‑23
Hao Wang (Info) The Jackson Laboratory synapse elimination ustc8105001 2009‑06‑27
Colin J. Humphries (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Language, fMRI 2007‑11‑15
Martina Fink (Info) University of Munich Language wittmann 2006‑04‑06
Rui Rothe-Neves (Info) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Psycholinguistics, Neuropsychology vitor.neuropsi 2009‑05‑14
Hilary Gomes (Info) CUNY Mismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials foxey 2008‑06‑22
Robin Lickley (Info) Queen Margaret University psycholingustics, fluency disorders neuromc 2009‑04‑02
Kevin Sitek (Info) UC Berkeley, San Francisco VA Medical Center, Harvard, Harvard & MIT chuckinny 2010‑02‑18
John H. Schumann (Info) UCLA Second language acquisition, neurolinguistics lmorett 2009‑12‑09
Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson (Info) UBC communication, language, speech production, speech perception paulgribble 2009‑05‑14
Susan Curtiss (Info) UCLA Neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition sarahauw 2009‑06‑01
Catherine M. McMahon (Info) Macquarie University Auditory physiology, audiology gobeirne 2009‑10‑07
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