Sara L. Schwebel

English University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
"Sara Schwebel"
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Schwebel SL. (2018) A Children's Book, Nineteenth-Century News, and Multimedia Approaches to American Studies American Quarterly. 70: 715-719
Schwebel SL. (2014) Making Americans: Children's Literature from 1930 to 1960 by Gary D. Schmidt (review) Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 39: 297-299
Schwebel SL. (2014) Reading 9/11 from the American Revolution to US Annexation of the Moon: M. T. Anderson's Feed and Octavian Nothing Children's Literature. 42: 197-223
Schwebel SL. (2013) Taking Children's Literature Scholarship to the Public Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 38: 470-475
Schwebel SL. (2011) Rewriting the captivity narrative for contemporary children: Speare, bruchac, and the French and Indian war New England Quarterly-a Historical Review of New England Life and Letters. 84: 318-346
Schwebel SL. (2003) Historical Fiction and the Classroom: History and Myth in Elizabeth George Speare's The Witch of Blackbird Pond Childrens Literature in Education. 34: 195-218
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