Robert M. Markley

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States 
English Literature
"Robert Markley"
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Markley R. (2014) China and the English Enlightenment: Literature, Aesthetics, and Commerce Literature Compass. 11: 517-527
Markley R. (2012) "How to go forward": Catastrophe and Comedy in Kim Stanley Robinson's Science in the Capital Trilogy Configurations. 20: 7-27
Markley R. (2010) "A Putridness in the Air": Monsoons and Mortality in Seventeenth-Century Bombay Journal For Early Modern Cultural Studies. 10: 105-125
Markley R. (2008) "Casualties and Disasters": Defoe and the Interpretation of Climatic Instability Journal For Early Modern Cultural Studies. 8: 102-124
Markley R. (2008) Introduction: Rethinking Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama Comparative Drama. 42: 1-6
Markley R. (2007) Monsoon Cultures: Climate and Acculturation in Alexander Hamilton's A New Account of the East Indies New Literary History. 38: 527-550
Markley R. (2007) Aphra Behn's The City Heiress : Feminism and the Dynamics of Popular Success on the Late Seventeenth-Century Stage Comparative Drama. 41: 141-166
Markley R. (2003) Riches, power, trade and religion: the Far East and the English imagination, 1600–1720 Renaissance Studies. 17: 494-516
Markley R. (1999) Foucault, modernity, and the cultural study of science Configurations. 7: 153-173
Markley R. (1995) Virtual Realities and Their Discontents Technology and Culture. 38: 959
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