Carol E. Percy

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Medieval Literature, English Literature
"Carol Percy"
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Percy C. (2018) DANIEL DEWISPELARE. Multilingual Subjects: On Standard English, Its Speakers, and Others in the Long Eighteenth Century The Review of English Studies. 69: 995-998
Percy C. (2017) Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, Grammar, rhetoric and usage in English: Preposition placement 1500–1900. Studies in English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Pp. xvii + 373. ISBN 9781107000797. English Language and Linguistics. 22: 177-183
Percy C. (2016) “Nice” Grammarians: Making Distinctions Of Class, Character And Gender In Women'S Fiction, 1750–1830 Women's Writing. 23: 9-32
Percy C. (2013) J. Matlock'sYoung ladies guide to the knowledge of the English tongue(1715): contextualising the first grammar of English for ladies Transactions of the Philological Society. 111: 223-241
Percy C. (2012) Robert Lowth and the Critics: Literary contexts for the “Critical Notes” in his Short Introduction to English Grammar (1762) Historiographia Linguistica. 39: 9-26
Percy C. (2012) The king's speech: metalanguage of nation, man and class in anecdotes about George III English Language and Linguistics. 16: 281-299
Percy C. (2010) marcus tomalin. Romanticism and Linguistic Theory: William Hazlitt, Language and Literature. The Review of English Studies. 61: 825-828
Percy C. (2008) susan manly. Language, Custom and Nation in the 1790s: Locke, Tooke, Wordsworth, Edgeworth. The Review of English Studies. 60: 156-158
Percy C. (2006) Writing from the Asylum: Martha Shakespear Lloyd at the Linguistic Limits of eighteenth-Century Femininity Women's Writing. 13: 98-120
Percy C. (2006) Disciplining women? : Grammar, gender, and leisure in the works of Ellenor Fenn (1743-1813) Historiographia Linguistica. 33: 109-137
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