David K. Nylund, Ph.D.

2004 University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
American Studies, Women's Studies, Mass Communications
"David Nylund"


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Anna K. Kuhn grad student 2004 UC Davis
 (Have a take: Masculinity and sports talk radio.)
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Nylund D, Corsiglia V. (2019) Becoming Solution-Focused Forced in Brief Therapy: Remembering Something Important We Already Knew Journal of Systemic Therapies. 38: 81-87
Tilsen J, Nylund D. (2016) Cultural Studies Methodologies and Narrative Family Therapy: Therapeutic Conversations About Pop Culture Family Process. 55: 225-237
Chang J, Nylund D. (2013) Narrative And Solution-Focused Therapies: A Twenty-Year Retrospective Journal of Systemic Therapies. 32: 72-88
Tilsen J, Nylund D. (2008) Psychotherapy research, the recovery movement and practice-based evidence in psychiatric rehabilitation. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation. 7: 340-354
Nylund D. (2007) Reading Harry Potter: Popular Culture, Queer Theory and The Fashioning of Youth Identity Journal of Systemic Therapies. 26: 13-24
Nylund D, Tilsen J. (2006) Pedagogy And Praxis: Postmodern Spirit In The Classroom Journal of Systemic Therapies. 25: 21-31
Nylund D. (2006) Critical Multiculturalism, Whiteness, and Social Work: Towards a More Radical View of Cultural Competence Journal of Progressive Human Services. 17: 27-42
Tilsen J, Russell S, Michael, et al. (2005) Nimble and Courageous Acts: How Michael Became the Boss of Himself Journal of Systemic Therapies. 24: 29-42
Nylund D. (2004) When in Rome: Heterosexism, Homophobia, and Sports Talk Radio Journal of Sport & Social Issues. 28: 136-168
Nylund D, Nylund DA. (2003) Narrative Therapy as a Counter-Hegemonic Practice Men and Masculinities. 5: 386-394
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