Richard Marback

English Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Rhetoric and Composition Language, Multimedia Communications
"Richard Marback"
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Marback R. (2012) Interests and Opportunities: Race, Racism, and University Writing Instruction in the Post-Civil Rights Era, Steve Lamos Rhetoric Review. 31: 198-202
Marback R. (2009) A Meditation on Vulnerability in Rhetoric Rhetoric Review. 29: 1-13
Marback R. (2009) City of Rhetoric: Revitalizing the Public Sphere in Metropolitan America, David Fleming Rhetoric Review. 28: 433-436
Marback R. (2004) A Tale of Two Plaques: Rhetoric in Cape Town Rhetoric Review. 23: 253-268
Marback R. (2004) The Rhetorical Space of Robben Island Rhetoric Society Quarterly. 34: 7-27
Bruch PL, Marback R. (2002) Race, Literacy, and the Value of Rights Rhetoric in Composition Studies College Composition and Communication. 53: 651-674
Marback R. (1998) Detroit and the closed fist: Toward a theory of material rhetoric 1 Rhetoric Review. 17: 74-92
Bruch PL, Marback R. (1996) From Athens to Detroit: Civic Space and Learning Writing Rhetoric Review. 15: 156-173
Marback R. (1995) The Phoenix of Hermes, or the Rebirth of Plato in the Eighteenth Century Rhetorica-a Journal of the History of Rhetoric. 13: 61-86
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