Patrick Cheney

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Comparative Literature, English Literature, Romance Literature, Modern Literature, Theater
"Patrick Cheney"
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Cheney P. (2001) Shakespeare's Sonnet 106, spenser's national epic, and counter-petrarchism English Literary Renaissance. 31: 331-364
Baker C, Cheney P. (1999) Marlowe's Counterfeit Profession: Ovid, Spenser, Counter-Nationhood. The Eighteenth Century. 30: 304
Lethbridge JB, Cheney P, Maley W. (1996) Spenser's Famous Flight: A Renaissance Idea of a Literary Career@@@A Spenser Chronology Modern Language Review. 91: 700
Cheney P. (1969) Moll Cutpurse as Hermaphrodite in Dekker and Middleton's The Roaring Girl Renaissance and Reformation. 19: 120-134
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