Christopher Innes

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Comparative Literature, English Literature, American Literature, Cinema
"Christopher Innes"
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Innes C. (2015) Modernism George Bernard Shaw in Context. 151-159
Innes C. (2014) Clowns, the Circus and Avant-garde Theatre Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies. 2
Innes C. (2014) Bernard Shaw as Artist-Fabian The European Legacy. 19: 393-396
Innes C. (2012) Strindberg's radical aesthetics Scandinavian Studies. 84: 359-372
Innes C, Bean JM, Moore PS, et al. (2009) Reviews: The Lord Chamberlain Regrets…: A History of British Theatre Censorship., Fantasies of Empire: The Empire Theatre of Varieties and the Licensing Controversy of 1894, the Cinema of Attractions Reloaded., Americanizing the Movies and “Movie-Mad” Audiences, 1910–1914., Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Film. 36: 74-88
Innes C. (2007) Towards a post-millennial mainstream? Documents of the times Modern Drama. 50: 435-452
Innes C. (2006) Allegories from the past: Stoppard's uses of history Modern Drama. 49: 223-237
Innes C. (2005) Puppets and machines of the mind: Robert Lepage and the modernist heritage Theatre Research International. 30: 124-138
Innes C. (2002) A sourcebook on naturalist theatre German Studies Review. 25: 357
Innes C. (2000) Introduction: Remaking Modern Classics Modern Drama. 43: 248-251
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