Marianne DeKoven

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
English Literature, American Literature, Canadian (English) Literature
"Marianne DeKoven"
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Dekoven M. (2009) Guest column: Why animals now? Pmla. 124: 361-369
Dekoven M. (2009) Going to the dogs in Disgrace Elh - English Literary History. 76: 847-875
Dekoven M. (2009) Grace Paley's formal strategies Contemporary Women's Writing. 3: 153-157
DeKoven M. (2006) Jouissance, Cyborgs, and Companion Species: Feminist Experiment Pmla-Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 121: 1690-1696
Chute H, DeKoven M. (2006) Introduction: Graphic narrative Mfs - Modern Fiction Studies. 52: 767-782
DeKoven M. (2003) Psychoanalysis and Sixties Utopianism Psychosomatic Medicine. 8: 263-272
DeKoven M. (1997) Book Review: Vampires, Mummies, and Liberals: Bram Stoker and the Politics of Popular Fiction Modern Fiction Studies. 43: 1014-1017
DeKoven M. (1996) Cultural Dreaming and Cultural Studies New Literary History. 27: 127-144
DeKoven M, McGann J. (1994) Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism. American Literature. 66: 184
Dekoven M. (1994) Wisps of Violence: Producing Public and Private Politics in the Turn-of-the-Century British Novel (review) Modern Fiction Studies. 40: 399-400
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