Gail Fitzgerald

University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Curriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Technology of Education
"Gail Fitzgerald"
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Mitchem KJ, Fitzgerald G, Miller K, et al. (2013) Using Electronic Performance Support Systems to Improve Academic Performance of Secondary Students with Disabilities Journal of Special Education Technology. 28: 1-20
Fitzgerald G, Mitchem K, Hollingsead C, et al. (2011) Exploring the Bridge from Multimedia Cases to Classrooms: Evidence of Transfer Journal of Special Education Technology. 26: 23-38
Mitchem K, Koury K, Fitzgerald G, et al. (2009) The Effects of Instructional Implementation on Learning with Interactive Multimedia Case-Based Instruction Teacher Education and Special Education. 32: 297-318
Fitzgerald G, Koury K, Mitchem K. (2008) Research on Computer-Mediated Instruction for Students with High Incidence Disabilities Journal of Educational Computing Research. 38: 201-233
Zha S, Kelly P, Park MK, et al. (2006) An Investigation of Communicative Competence of ESL Students Using Electronic Discussion Boards Journal of Research On Technology in Education. 38: 349-367
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