Regine O. Jackson

Emory University, Atlanta, GA 
American Studies, Women's Studies, Caribbean Studies, American Literature, Caribbean Literature, African Literature, Black Studies
"Regine Jackson"
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Meschede T, Hamilton D, Muñoz AP, et al. (2016) Inequality in the “Cradle of Liberty”: Race/Ethnicity and Wealth in Greater Boston Race and Social Problems. 8: 18-28
Jackson R. (2012) Imagining Boston: Haitian Immigrants and Place in Zadie Smith's On Beauty Journal of American Studies. 46: 855-873
Jackson RO. (2010) Black Immigrants and the Rhetoric of Social Distancing Sociology Compass. 4: 193-206
Jackson RO. (2007) After the Exodus: The New Catholics in Boston's Old Ethnic Neighborhoods Religion and American Culture-a Journal of Interpretation. 17: 191-212
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