Erin L. Becker, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Autotrophic symbioses, Hydrothermal Vents, Methane SeepsGoogle:
"Erin Becker"Parents
Sign in to add mentorCharles R. Fisher | grad student | 2010 | Penn State | |
(Food web ecology in Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon seep communities.) |
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Sen A, Podowski EL, Becker EL, et al. (2014) Community succession in hydrothermal vent habitats of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge, Tonga Limnology and Oceanography. 59: 1510-1528 |
Becker EL, Cordes EE, Macko SA, et al. (2014) Spatial patterns of tissue stable isotope contents give insight into the nutritional sources for seep communities on the Gulf of Mexico lower slope Marine Ecology Progress Series. 498: 133-145 |
Becker EL, Cordes EE, Macko SA, et al. (2013) Using stable isotope compositions of animal tissues to infer trophic interactions in Gulf of Mexico lower slope seep communities. Plos One. 8: e74459 |
Sen A, Becker EL, Podowski EL, et al. (2013) Distribution of mega fauna on sulfide edifices on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 72: 48-60 |
Beinart RA, Sanders JG, Faure B, et al. (2012) Evidence for the role of endosymbionts in regional-scale habitat partitioning by hydrothermal vent symbioses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: E3241-50 |
Tivey MK, Becker E, Beinart R, et al. (2012) Links from mantle to microbe at the Lau Integrated Study Site: Insights from a Back-Arc spreading center Oceanography. 25: 63-77 |
Becker EL, Macko SA, Lee RW, et al. (2011) Stable isotopes provide new insights into vestimentiferan physiological ecology at Gulf of Mexico cold seeps. Die Naturwissenschaften. 98: 169-74 |
Cordes EE, Becker EL, Fisher CR. (2010) Temporal shift in nutrient input to cold-seep food webs revealed by stable-isotope signatures of associated communities Limnology and Oceanography. 55: 2537-2548 |
Cordes EE, Becker EL, Hourdez S, et al. (2010) Influence of foundation species, depth, and location on diversity and community composition at Gulf of Mexico lower-slope cold seeps Deep-Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 57: 1870-1881 |
Becker EL, Lee RW, Macko SA, et al. (2010) Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of hydrocarbon-seep bivalves on the Gulf of Mexico lower continental slope Deep-Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 57: 1957-1964 |