James D. Salierno, Ph.D.

2005 University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Fisheries and Aquaculture, Microbiology, Parasitology
"James Salierno"


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Andrew S. Kane grad student 2005 University of Maryland
 (Harmful algal bloom stressors alter behavior and brain activity in the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus.)
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Salierno JD, Kane AS. (2019) Brevetoxin and saxitoxin alter shoaling dynamics in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 520: 151210
Salierno JD, Lopes M, Rivera M. (2016) Latent effects of early life stage exposure to triclosan on survival in fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part. B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 1-8
Salierno JD, Pollack SJ, Van Veld PA, et al. (2012) Steroid hormones and anthropogenic contaminants in poultry litter leachate Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 223: 2181-2187
Kane AS, Song J, Halvorsen MB, et al. (2010) Exposure of fish to high-intensity sonar does not induce acute pathology. Journal of Fish Biology. 76: 1825-40
Salierno JD, Kane AS. (2009) 17alpha-ethinylestradiol alters reproductive behaviors, circulating hormones, and sexual morphology in male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Setac. 28: 953-61
Salierno JD, Gipson GT, Kane AS. (2008) Quantitative movement analysis of social behavior in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus Journal of Ethology. 26: 35-42
Salierno JD, Shields JD, Murphy AZ, et al. (2007) Altered c-Fos expression demonstrates neuronal stress in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, exposed to Pfiesteria shumwayae and Chaetoceros concavicornis Marine Biology. 152: 835-843
Salierno JD, Snyder NS, Murphy AZ, et al. (2006) Harmful algal bloom toxins alter c-Fos protein expression in the brain of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 78: 350-7
Stine CB, Baya AM, Salierno JD, et al. (2005) Mycobacterial infection in laboratory-maintained Atlantic menhaden Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 17: 380-385
Kane AS, Salierno JD, Gipson GT, et al. (2004) A video-based movement analysis system to quantify behavioral stress responses of fish. Water Research. 38: 3993-4001
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