Jason S. Sibold, Ph.D.

2005 University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Physical Geography, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology
"Jason Sibold"


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Thomas T. Veblen grad student 2005 CU Boulder
 (Multi-scale subalpine forest dynamics, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.)
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Davis KT, Robles MD, Kemp KB, et al. (2023) Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2208120120
Davis TS, Meddens AJH, Stevens-Rumann CS, et al. (2022) Monitoring resistance and resilience using carbon trajectories: Analysis of forest management-disturbance interactions. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e2704
Carlson AR, Sibold JS, Negrón JF. (2020) Wildfire and spruce beetle outbreak have mixed effects on below‐canopy temperatures in a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest Journal of Biogeography. 48: 216-230
González ME, Muñoz AA, González-Reyes Á, et al. (2020) Fire history in Andean Araucaria–Nothofagus forests: coupled influences of past human land-use and climate on fire regimes in north-west Patagonia International Journal of Wildland Fire. 29: 649-660
Carlson AR, Sibold JS, Negrón JF. (2020) Canopy structure and below-canopy temperatures interact to shape seedling response to disturbance in a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest Forest Ecology and Management. 472: 118234
Mattson LR, Coop JD, Battaglia MA, et al. (2019) Post-spruce beetle timber salvage drives short-term surface fuel increases and understory vegetation shifts Forest Ecology and Management. 437: 348-359
Saavedra FA, Kampf SK, Fassnacht SR, et al. (2018) Changes in Andes snow cover from MODIS data, 2000–2016 The Cryosphere. 12: 1027-1046
Assal TJ, González ME, Sibold JS. (2018) Burn severity controls on postfire Araucaria‐Nothofagus regeneration in the Andean Cordillera Journal of Biogeography. 45: 2483-2494
Carlson AR, Sibold JS, Assal TJ, et al. (2017) Evidence of compounded disturbance effects on vegetation recovery following high-severity wildfire and spruce beetle outbreak. Plos One. 12: e0181778
Saavedra FA, Kampt SK, Fassnacht SR, et al. (2017) Changes in Andes Mountains snow cover from MODIS data 2000–2014 The Cryosphere Discussions. 1-24
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