John Pardon

Mathematics Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"John Pardon"
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Ganatra S, Pardon J, Shende V. (2020) Covariantly functorial wrapped Floer theory on Liouville sectors Publications MathéMatiques De L'IhéS. 131: 73-200
Pardon J. (2019) Contact homology and virtual fundamental cycles Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 32: 825-919
Pardon J. (2016) An algebraic approach to virtual fundamental cycles on moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves Geometry and Topology. 20: 779-1034
Pardon J. (2013) The Hilbert-Smith conjecture for three-manifolds Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 26: 879-899
Pardon J. (2012) The link concordance invariant from Lee homology Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 12: 1081-1098
Pardon J. (2011) Central limit theorems for random polygons in an arbitrary convex set Annals of Probability. 39: 881-903
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