Jonathan M. Rosenberg

Mathematics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Jonathan Rosenberg"
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Rosenberg J. (2020) A new approach to twisted K–theory of compact Lie groups Algebraic & Geometric Topology. 20: 135-167
Mathai V, Rosenberg J. (2020) The Riemann-Roch theorem on higher dimensional complex noncommutative tori Journal of Geometry and Physics. 147: 103534
Mathai V, Rosenberg J. (2018) Group dualities, T-dualities, and twisted K-theory Journal of the London Mathematical Society-Second Series. 97: 1-23
Rosenberg J. (2017) Algebraic K -theory and derived equivalences suggested by T-duality for torus orientifolds Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 221: 1717-1728
Rosenberg J. (2015) Real Baum-Connes assembly and T-duality for torus orientifolds Journal of Geometry and Physics. 89: 24-31
Doran C, Méndez-Diez S, Rosenberg J. (2015) String Theory on Elliptic Curve Orientifolds and KR-Theory Communications in Mathematical Physics. 335: 955-1001
Mathai V, Rosenberg J. (2014) T-duality for circle bundles via noncommutative geometry Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 18: 1437-1462
Doran C, Méndez-Diez S, Rosenberg J. (2014) T-Duality for Orientifolds and Twisted KR-Theory Letters in Mathematical Physics. 104: 1333-1364
Rosenberg J. (2013) Levi-Civita's Theorem for Noncommutative Tori ? Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications. 9: 71
Rosenberg J. (2013) The Künneth Theorem in equivariant K–theory for actions of a cyclic group of order 2 Algebraic & Geometric Topology. 13: 1225-1241
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