Olav Kallenberg

Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
"Olav Kallenberg"
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Kallenberg O. (2014) Stationary and invariant densities and disintegration kernels Probability Theory and Related Fields. 160: 567-592
Kallenberg O. (2013) Local conditioning in dawson-watanabe superprocesses Annals of Probability. 41: 385-443
Kallenberg O. (2012) Schoenberg's Theorem and Unitarily Invariant Random Arrays Journal of Theoretical Probability. 25: 1013-1039
Kallenberg O. (2011) Iterated Palm Conditioning and Some Slivnyak-Type Theorems for Cox and Cluster Processes Journal of Theoretical Probability. 24: 875-893
Kallenberg O. (2011) Invariant Palm and related disintegrations via skew factorization Probability Theory and Related Fields. 149: 279-301
Kallenberg O. (2009) Some local approximation properties of simple point processes Probability Theory and Related Fields. 143: 73-96
Kallenberg O. (2008) Some local approximations of Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses Annals of Probability. 36: 2176-2214
Kallenberg O. (2007) Some problems of local hitting, scaling, and conditioning Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 96: 271-282
Kallenberg O. (2007) Invariant measures and disintegrations with applications to Palm and related kernels Probability Theory and Related Fields. 139: 285-310
Kallenberg O. (2003) Palm distributions and local approximation of regenerative processes Probability Theory and Related Fields. 125: 1-41
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