Subir Ghosh

University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States 
"Subir Ghosh"


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Colleen M. Burns grad student 2000 UC Riverside
Lance V. Teschmacher grad student 2000 UC Riverside
Heather R. Crosby grad student 2002 UC Riverside
Yun Shen grad student 2004 UC Riverside
Ying Tian grad student 2004 UC Riverside
Hongjie Deng grad student 2006 UC Riverside
Ying Luan grad student 2006 UC Riverside
Arunava Chakravartty grad student 2007 UC Riverside
Rupam R. Pal grad student 2008 UC Riverside
Hiya Banerjee grad student 2010 UC Riverside
Debarshi Dey grad student 2010 UC Riverside
Santanu Dutta grad student 2011 UC Riverside
Analisa M. Flores grad student 2011 UC Riverside
Lu Gan grad student 2011 UC Riverside
Haoyu Wang grad student 2011 UC Riverside
Zongpeng Zheng grad student 2014 UC Riverside
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Ghosh S. (2019) Duality between Dirac fermions in curved spacetime and optical solitons in non-linear Schrodinger model: magic of $$1+1$$1+1 -dimensional bosonization European Physical Journal C. 79: 980
Yang W, Pan S, Paliathanasis A, et al. (2019) Observational constraints of a new unified dark fluid and the H0 tension Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 490: 2071-2085
Dalmazi D, Santos ALRd, Ghosh S, et al. (2017) Weyl and transverse diffeomorphism invariant spin-2 models in $$D=2+1$$ D = 2 + 1 European Physical Journal C. 77
Ghosh S, Chowdhury S. (2017) CV, ECV, and Robust CV designs for replications under a class of linear models in factorial experiments Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 188: 1-7
Ghosh S, Fu Ze Huang M. (2016) Full Estimation Capacity Hierarchical Fractional Factorial Designs for a Class of Models Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 45: 1613-1620
Ghosh S, Nyquist H. (2016) Model fitting and optimal design for a class of binary response models Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 179: 22-35
Ghosh S, Dey D. (2014) Heuristically deciding between normal and skew normal distributions for describing the data on a response variable and an explanatory variable Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 8: 126-137
Nair SKR, Bhanu B, Ghosh S, et al. (2014) Predictive models for multibiometric systems Pattern Recognition. 47: 3779-3792
Morgan JP, Ghosh S, Dean AM. (2014) J.N. Srivastava and experimental design Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 144: 3-18
Pramanik S, Ghosh S. (2013) Gup-based and snyder noncommutative algebras, relativistic particle models, deformed symmetries and interaction: A unified approach International Journal of Modern Physics A. 28
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