Robert H. Swendsen

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Condensed Matter Physics, Statistics
"Robert Swendsen"

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.6.2860


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Herbert Bernard Callen grad student 1971 Penn (Physics Tree)
 (The europium chalcogenides as Heisenberg ferromagnets)


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Jian-Sheng Wang grad student 1982-1987 Carnegie Mellon (Physics Tree)
Alan M. Ferrenberg grad student 1985-1989 Carnegie Mellon
Hwee K. Lee grad student 2001 Carnegie Mellon
Brian S. Diggs grad student 2002 Carnegie Mellon
Marc Fasnacht grad student 2003 Carnegie Mellon
Oner Kozan grad student 2005 Carnegie Mellon
Navodit Misra grad student 2010 Carnegie Mellon
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Ron D, Brandt A, Swendsen RH. (2021) Monte Carlo renormalization-group calculation for the d=3 Ising model using a modified transformation. Physical Review. E. 104: 025311
Swendsen RH. (2018) Thermodynamics of finite systems. Reports On Progress in Physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)
Ron D, Brandt A, Swendsen RH. (2017) Surprising convergence of the Monte Carlo renormalization group for the three-dimensional Ising model. Physical Review. E. 95: 053305
Swendsen R. (2017) Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Entropy Entropy. 19: 603
Griffin W, Matty M, Swendsen RH. (2017) Finite thermal reservoirs and the canonical distribution Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 484: 1-10
Albert J, Swendsen RH. (2017) Detecting multi-spin interactions in the inverse Ising problem Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 483: 293-298
Swendsen RH. (2017) The definition of the thermodynamic entropy in statistical mechanics Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 467: 67-73
Matty M, Lancaster L, Griffin W, et al. (2017) Comparison of canonical and microcanonical definitions of entropy Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 467: 474-489
Swendsen RH, Wang JS. (2016) Negative temperatures and the definition of entropy Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 453: 24-34
Swendsen RH. (2015) Continuity of the entropy of macroscopic quantum systems. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 92: 052110
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