Aihua W. Wood

Applied Mathematics Air Force Institute of Technology 
Applied Mathematics, Aerospace Engineering, General Physics
"Aihua Wood"
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Alekseenko A, Nguyen T, Wood AW. (2018) A deterministic-stochastic method for computing the Boltzmann collision integral in $\mathcal{O}(MN)$ operations Kinetic and Related Models. 11: 1211-1234
Uber RP, Wood AW. (2017) Finite-Element Boundary Integral Simulation of Transient Electromagnetic Scattering From Multiple Cavities Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 65: 3267-3272
Uber R, Wood A, Havrilla M. (2017) Analysis and numerical solution of transient electromagnetic scattering from two cavities Journal of Computational Physics. 343: 217-234
Charnley M, Wood A. (2016) Through-the-wall radar detection analysis via numerical modeling of Maxwell's equations Journal of Computational Physics. 313: 532-548
Wood AW, Uber R. (2015) Transient electromagnetic scattering by multiple cavities Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference On Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Iceaa 2015. 169-170
Uber RP, Wood AW. (2015) Transient electromagnetic scattering from multiple cavities embedded in the 2-D infinite ground plane Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics. 2015
Li J, Huang Y, Yang W, et al. (2014) Mathematical analysis and time-domain finite element simulation of carpet cloak Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 74: 1136-1151
Li P, Wood AW. (2014) Electromagnetic scattering by multiple cavities embedded in the infinite 2D ground plane Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal. 29: 584-593
Li P, Wood A. (2013) A two-dimensional Helmhotlz equation solution for the multiple cavity scattering problem Journal of Computational Physics. 240: 100-120
Callihan RS, Wood AW. (2012) A modified helmholtz equation with impedance boundary conditions Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 4: 703-718
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