Alfinio Flores

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Mathematics Education
"Alfinio Flores"
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Flores A, Phelps CM, Jansen A. (2017) Reflections on Transformative Experiences with Mathematical Inquiry: The Case of Christine Primus. 27: 47-57
Sigler A, Stupel M, Flores A. (2017) Relations among five radii of circles in a triangle, its sides and other segments International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 48: 782-793
Flores A, Bernhardt SA, Shipman HL. (2014) Rowing competitions and perspective International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
Huntley MA, Flores A. (2010) A history of mathematics course to develop prospective secondary mathematics teachers' knowledge for teaching Primus. 20: 603-616
Yanik HB, Flores A. (2009) Understanding rigid geometric transformations: Jeff's learning path for translation The Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 28: 41-57
Philipp RA, Flores A, Sowder JT, et al. (1994) Conceptions and practices of extraordinary mathematics teachers The Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 13: 155-180
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