Philip E. Gill

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Philip Gill"


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David Quinn Mayne grad student 1974 Imperial College London (E-Tree)
Walter Murray grad student 1974 Imperial College London (Computer Science Tree)
 (Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Linearly Constrained Optimization)


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Roummel F. Marcia grad student 2002 UCSD
Julia Kroyan grad student 2004 UCSD
Joshua D. Griffin grad student 2005 UCSD
Beate M. Winkelmann grad student 2005 UCSD
Jennifer B. Erway grad student 2006 UCSD
Daniel P. Robinson grad student 2007 UCSD
Joseph R. Reed grad student 2011 UCSD
Elizabeth Wong grad student 2011 UCSD
Vyacheslav Kungurtsev grad student 2013 UCSD
BETA: Related publications


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Gill PE, Kungurtsev V, Robinson DP. (2020) A Shifted Primal-Dual Penalty-Barrier Method for Nonlinear Optimization Siam Journal On Optimization. 30: 1067-1093
Gill PE, Kungurtsev V, Robinson DP. (2017) A stabilized SQP method: global convergence Ima Journal of Numerical Analysis. 37: 407-443
Gill PE, Kungurtsev V, Robinson DP. (2017) A stabilized SQP method: superlinear convergence Mathematical Programming. 163: 369-410
Bienstock D, Gill PE, Gould N. (2015) A note on “On fast trust region methods for quadratic models with linear constraints”, by Michael J.D. Powell Mathematical Programming Computation. 7: 235
Gill PE, Wong E. (2015) Methods for convex and general quadratic programming Mathematical Programming Computation. 7: 71-112
Forsgren A, Gill PE, Wong E. (2015) Primal and dual active-set methods for convex quadratic programming Mathematical Programming. 1-40
Gill PE, Saunders MA, Wong E. (2015) On the performance of SQP methods for nonlinear optimization Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 147: 95-123
Gill PE, Robinson DP. (2013) A globally convergent stabilized sqp method Siam Journal On Optimization. 23: 1983-2010
Gu Q, Barbato M, Conte JP, et al. (2012) OpenSees-SNOPT framework for finite-element-based optimization of structural and geotechnical systems Journal of Structural Engineering (United States). 138: 822-834
Gill PE, Robinson DP. (2012) A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian Computational Optimization and Applications. 51: 1-25
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