Branko Grünbaum

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Branko Grünbaum"

(1929 - 2018)

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Bašić N, Grošelj J, Grünbaum B, et al. (2018) Splittable and unsplittable graphs and configurations Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. 16: 1-17
Grünbaum B. (2012) Geometric Realization of Some Triangle-Free Combinatorial Configurations International Scholarly Research Notices. 2012: 1-10
Berman LW, Grünbaum B. (2010) Deletion constructions of symmetric 4-configurations. Part I. Contributions to Discrete Mathematics. 5
Berman LW, Bokowski J, Grünbaum B, et al. (2009) Geometric "Floral" configurations Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. 52: 327-341
Grünbaum B. (2009) A catalogue of simplicial arrangements in the real projective plane Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. 2: 1-25
Grünbaum B. (2007) Graphs of polyhedra; polyhedra as graphs Discrete Mathematics. 307: 445-463
Grünbaum B, Klamkin MS. (2006) Euler's Ratio-Sum Theorem and Generalizations Mathematics Magazine. 79: 122-130
Boben M, Grunbaum B, Pisanski T, et al. (2006) Small Triangle-Free Configurations of Points and Lines Discrete and Computational Geometry. 35: 405-427
Grünbaum B, Zaks J. (2001) Convexification of polygons by flips and by flipturns Discrete Mathematics. 241: 333-342
Grünbaum B, Shephard GC. (1998) Some New Transversality Properties Geometriae Dedicata. 71: 179-208
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