Jeren Samandari-Rad, Ph.D.

2012 Electrical Engineering University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, General Engineering
"Jeren Samandari-Rad"


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Richard P. Hughey grad student 2012 UC Santa Cruz
 (Design and analysis of robust variability-aware SRAM to predict optimal access-time to achieve yield enhancement in future nano-scaled CMOS.)
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Samandari-Rad J, Hughey R. (2016) Power/Energy Minimization Techniques for Variability-Aware High-Performance 16-nm 6T-SRAM Ieee Access. 4: 594-613
Samandari-Rad J, Guthaus M, Hughey R. (2014) Confronting the variability issues affecting the performance of next-generation SRAM design to optimize and predict the speed and yield Ieee Access. 2: 577-601
Samandari-Rad J, Guthaus M, Hughey R. (2012) VAR-TX: A variability-aware SRAM model for predicting the optimum architecture to achieve minimum access-time for yield enhancement in nano-scaled CMOS Proceedings - International Symposium On Quality Electronic Design, Isqed. 506-515
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