Hwan Chung, Ph.D.

2003 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
"Hwan Chung"


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Joseph L. Schafer grad student 2003 Penn State
 (Latent -class modeling with covariates.)
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Lee JW, Chung H. (2020) A multivariate latent class profile analysis for longitudinal data with a latent group variable Communications For Statistical Applications and Methods. 27: 15-35
Jeon S, Lee J, Anthony JC, et al. (2017) Latent Class Analysis for Multiple Discrete Latent Variables: A Study on the Association Between Violent Behavior Drug-Using Behaviors. Structural Equation Modeling : a Multidisciplinary Journal. 24: 911-925
Lee JW, Chung H. (2017) Latent class analysis with multiple latent group variables Communications For Statistical Applications and Methods. 24: 173-191
Harel O, Chung H, Miglioretti D. (2013) Latent class regression: inference and estimation with two-stage multiple imputation. Biometrical Journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift. 55: 541-53
Chung H, Anthony JC. (2013) A Bayesian Approach to a Multiple-Group Latent Class-Profile Analysis: The Timing of Drinking Onset and Subsequent Drinking Behaviors Among U.S. Adolescents Structural Equation Modeling. 20: 658-680
Chang H, Chung H. (2013) Dealing with multiple local modalities in latent class profile analysis Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 68: 296-310
Mudd LM, Pivarnik J, Holzman CB, et al. (2012) Leisure-time physical activity in pregnancy and the birth weight distribution: where is the effect? Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 9: 1168-77
Chung H, Chang H. (2012) Bayesian approaches to the model selection problem in the analysis of latent stage-sequential process Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 56: 4097-4110
Chung H, Anthony JC, Schafer JL. (2011) Latent class profile analysis: an application to stage-sequential process in early-onset drinking behaviours. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series a, (Statistics in Society). 174: 689-712
Chung H, Anthony JC, Schafer JL. (2011) Latent class profile analysis: An application to stage sequential processes in early onset drinking behaviours Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series a: Statistics in Society. 174: 689-712
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